this album from:
Artist: Various Artist
Genre: Black Metal
Country: Various Country
01 Legion (Swedia)- this frozen realm
02 Mortality (Bandung)- homicidal church
03 Zhalim (Jakarta)- mysteri belenggu alam
04 Surrender Of Divinity (Thailand)- paradise's brothel
05 Zarach Baal Tharagh (Purwakarta)- prince of darkness
06 Gorog (Grobogan)- death angel
07 Crypt (Sukabumi)- in her mind there's sadism
08 Cruelty (Bandung)- cruelty
09 Stormcrow (Italia)- hell on earth
10 Infinity Path (Sukabumi)- infinity path
11 Aura 13 (Malang)- meaning sadness
12 Leptodus (Jember)- holy sexual mysticism
13 Khasarath (Bandung)- tales of the dark fog
14 Jenath (Bandung)- wrath of the darkness lords
15 Istidraj (Singapura)- thy whispers of eternal
16 Kathaaria (Jerman)- angel tongue
Artist: Various Artist
Genre: Black Metal
Country: Various Country
01 Legion (Swedia)- this frozen realm
02 Mortality (Bandung)- homicidal church
03 Zhalim (Jakarta)- mysteri belenggu alam
04 Surrender Of Divinity (Thailand)- paradise's brothel
05 Zarach Baal Tharagh (Purwakarta)- prince of darkness
06 Gorog (Grobogan)- death angel
07 Crypt (Sukabumi)- in her mind there's sadism
08 Cruelty (Bandung)- cruelty
09 Stormcrow (Italia)- hell on earth
10 Infinity Path (Sukabumi)- infinity path
11 Aura 13 (Malang)- meaning sadness
12 Leptodus (Jember)- holy sexual mysticism
13 Khasarath (Bandung)- tales of the dark fog
14 Jenath (Bandung)- wrath of the darkness lords
15 Istidraj (Singapura)- thy whispers of eternal
16 Kathaaria (Jerman)- angel tongue
1 komentar:
bukan kah ni neohelist yang ke-2 part 1. neo herlisst yang pertama punya gan??
yang ada behemot hellgod, maelstroms, unsendarkness???? agan ada? klo ada upload dong....
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